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Sadia Khan
Joined: 04 Nov 2017 Posts: 1097
No Forensic lab In KPK, Is this some kind of joke |
As of late CJ in Pakistan gave a thumbs down too execution of KPK police respects too not having criminological lab for DNA.
The seat asked why the K-P government has no crime scene investigation lab of its own to test DNA. "You have no ability to research the issue, in this manner, you are subject to Punjab government," the CJP said.
Intially I thought it was a political intention of CJ who was overlooking KPK police, however CJ has a substantial point.......
To me this a humiliation for IK respects too KPK police execution, questions emerges why they don't have scientific lab, this would be a crucial thing to have in KPK. sending there information too Punjab labs which is impacted by Punjab govt also most presumably is dishonorable on the administration of KPK.
On a genuine note I am exceptionally dissapointed with IK and Khattak, there are provisos and iopposition will utilize them against KPK and IK........
This was an ideal time for IK too feature KPK police execution yet having no labs for DNA and this Asma case getting more grounded and more grounded by the day in mainstrem media will hurt PTI execution respects excessively police. IK as of late went ahead TV and was asked respects too Asma case and I feel that his answer was not sufficient.....
In the event that you influence tall cases you to require too live up excessively them, police is route superior to anything punjab however exhibiting them I think PTI is neglecting to demonstrate this in predominant press and yes there are escape clauses that can be uncovered.
In any case I might want PTI to get of there posteriors and initially have a measurable lab for themselves and also make up a group of authorities police that arrangement with ladies related issues in KPK.......
I trust PTI supporters bolster me on this
Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:27 am |
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